COLOOP Recycling Map | User Guide

COLOOP Recycling Map | User Guide

Confused about recycling? Let's sort it out!!

Have something to get rid of now? But no idea what to do?  

At COLOOP recycling map, you can explore the collection points or recycling campaigns according to your district and type of recyclables. You can simply search by keyword such as brand or name.

Self-gratitude turns what we have into enough.

Step-by-step guide

COLOOP Map Instruction

A) Select one of the following three options, and click "Search"

  • District - Explore the convenient collection point from your Home, Working Place, and along your living itinerary.
  • Collection Item - Select the name that best describes your collection item by material or category.
  • Type of Collection Point - Different institutions such as Brand, the Government, NGOs e.t.c. will organize their collection point or recycling campaign with different materials, incentive schemes, or purposes.

B) Input any keyword (English Only) such as Brand, Material or Common Name to refine your search result.   
