Implemented education and awareness-raising initiatives on biodiversity conservation at all Sony sites as part of their community engagement
Promoted the One Blue Ocean Project worldwide, and held community clean ups for plastic waste
Expanded the Food for the Future project, distributed a guidebook detailing environmentally conscious food to employees, and provided meals that utilize environmentally conscious ingredients in Sony employee cafeterias
Sony will continue taking steps to minimize its withdrawal of water and to ensure the water it returns to water sources is of a quality that does not negatively impact the environment
Improve waste generation intensity value by 5%
Reduce landfilled waste rate to 1% or less
Sites that use large volume of water: improve water usage intensity value by 5%. Sites located in high water-risked areas: implement water risk reduction activities corresponding to the water risk of the area
Expand the adoption of renewable electricity by installing photovoltaic panels at Sony sites to achieve the target of sourcing 100% renewable electricity for worldwide operations by fiscal year 2030
Renewable electricity rate for sites 14.6%
Reduce annual energy consumption per product unit by 5% (base year: 2018)
Utilize renewable electricity by 35% or more (Renewable electricity rate)